
Weekend forecast: Bright and warm

/ September 20, 2024 at 10:58 PM

It’ll be a quiet, bright, sunny, and warm weekend in the Lowcountry, with a bit of a callback to summer despite the onset of the autumnal equinox on Sunday.

We start Saturday in the upper 60s, warming to the mid-to-upper 80s in the afternoon under mostly sunny skies as ridging aloft builds in. That ridge gets even a bit stronger for Sunday, and could send highs to around 90° for the first time since September 1, when we reached 91°.

The only real fly in the ointment weather-wise won’t even necessarily be all driven by weather, but rather by high astronomical tides thanks to the recent full moon. Water levels in Charleston Harbor look to peak well into moderate, but just shy of major, flood stage (7.9’) around the 11:14am high tide. As a result, get ready for more road closures like we saw mid-morning on Friday. Sunday should offer similar tide concerns around the midday high tide. Keep an eye out for Coastal Flood Advisories from the National Weather Service.